Saturday, February 15, 2025

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How to make jumbleberry jam

Jumbleberry, is a mix of berries and other fruits, such as rhubarb or apples. Wonderful in pies and crisps, it’s also a great jam combo. 1 cup crushed strawberries (250 ml) 1 cup raspberries (250 ml) 1 cup blueberries (250 ml) 1 cup blackberries (250 ml) 1 cup chopped rhubarb (250 ml), (1⁄2-inch/1 cm pieces) 5 cups granulated sugar (1.25 l) 1 pouch (3 oz/85 ml) liquid pectin In a...

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Growing herbs in containers

In most cases, larger pots are better if you plan to over-winter your herb garden. Pots that are 16”-20” in diameter will allow your herbs to grow into fairly large plants while you continue to harvest them. For over-wintering, choose plastic pots. You can dress up the area with some smaller terracotta or other decorative pots, but plastic is weather safe and will help protect the roots through the cold....

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How to save and store tomato seeds

Saving heirloom tomato seeds brings back those memories of science classes: beakers and safety goggles, anticipation and disgust, curiosity and pride. The seeds can’t just be scooped out and dried; they need to be removed with all the slimy tomato guts and left to ferment. The gross factor of fermenting these tiny seeds is about as fun of a science experiment as you can get, making it an ideal project...

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Harvest herbs for that perfect cup of tea

If you feel inclined, take a moment before harvesting the appreciate your plants. They have worked hard to offer so much goodness to the world and gratitude is good therapy. Cut herbs for tea with clean, sharp pruners first thing in the morning, before the day heats up. This will maintain the most freshness in the leaves as well as cause less stress to the plant. If you are using...

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